Caring for you, throughout your lifetime

No matter what point of life you are at, our pharmacists are here to help you.

Whether you're an expecting mother, or just starting to experience menopause, our pharmacists can answer any of your health questions, along with providing personalised support and advice.

At Clinicare Compounding Pharmacy, we're for all women.

Here from the beginning - First Period & PMS!

Don't be scared its completely normal!

The first menstrual cycle (period) also known as menarche when a young woman reaches puberty usually around 12-13 years old, everyone's unique so it can happen earlier or later.

During this time hormones start to change causing the ovaries that produces estrogen and progesterone to increase, because of this the hormones in the lining of the uterus (the womb) begin to build up which then allows a women to become pregnant with a fertilised egg becoming attached to the built up lining but if there is no fertilised egg the lining begins to break down causing bleeding, your period.

Then the process starts again, it usually takes up to a month for the lining of the uterus to build back up that is why it common for women's period to come one a month and lasting between 4-5 days.

A period can cause a lot of discomfort with abdominal cramps and premenstrual syndrome (PMS) but luckily there are medication and natural supplements that can help ease the symptom you may experience during this time.

PMS (premenstrual syndrome) refers to the range of physical and emotional symptoms that commonly happens the weeks before your period and will normally stop as soon as your period starts.

Symptoms of PMS

  • Abdominal Bloating
    A result of the hormone progesterone increasing before and during the period, the body becomes swollen with water
  • Premenstrual Acne
    A result of the hormone progesterone increasing before and during the period, the body becomes swollen with water. Commonly red, inflamed papules which rarely come to surface, appearing on the jaw, chin, cheeks and neck
  • Food Cravings
    Craving sweet food during PMS is common, food cravings commonly associated with bad moods
  • Hot Flushes
    Estrogen and progesterone decline just before your period causing your skin to redden and cause some sweating
  • Mood Swings
    Symptoms may include irritability, anger, sadness and uncontrollable crying
  • Swollen and tender breasts
    Estrogen increase causes the breast ducts to enlarge while progesterone production courses milk glans to in large witch can results to swollen and tender breast
  • Sleep changes
    Due to hormones estrogen and progesterone rising and falling a couple of day before the period starts

Natural Supplements that Help with PMS

During this time there are supplement that are available for you with some of the symptoms you may experience, before you consider taking anything new we recommend talking to your doctor or healthcare professional.

  • Vitamin B6
    Shown to help with stress and irritability
  • Vitamin B12
    Shown to help replenish red blood cells particularly important for people with heavy periods and helps your body make DHA
  • Vitamin E
    Shown to help relieve pain and inflammation of tender breasts
  • Evening primrose oil (gamma-linolenic acid (GLA)
    Shown to help reduce hot flushes and swollen and tender breasts
  • Magnesium
    Shown to help with stress and irritability also shown to help relive anxiety during pms and when combined with vitamin B6 may help with menstrual cramps
  • Calcium
    Shown to help with elevating mood and alleviating fatigue and headaches
  • Probiotics
    It is a good idea to always take a probiotic to help produce good bacteria in the stomach, which helps with reducing stress, depression, and anxiety

There may be no cure for PMS there are ways for you to manage the symptoms and the best way to get started is to talk with your pharmacist or healthcare professional today about which natural supplements would be suitable for you.

Here for the exciting times - Pregnancy!

Congratulations you're pregnant!

Now comes the exciting times and understanding your pregnancy is very important, every woman experiences pregnancy symptoms differently that is why we recommend seeing your doctor as soon as you find out that you are pregnant to help find out how far along you are and what to expect for the next 9 months.

While some women do not notice any symptoms for a few weeks after conception while other see symptoms within days, here are some symptoms you may experience the first couple of weeks during pregnancy such as:

Symptoms of Pregnancy

  • Tender or Swollen Breasts
    Due to increased hormone levels breasts can become swollen, sensitive and sore to touch these changes happen during the first trimester and as early as 2-3 weeks after conception
  • Nausea with or without vomiting
    Morning sickness refers to the nauseous that happens during the first trimester due to increased hormone levels. Morning sickness is not always accompanied with vomiting
  • Increased Urination
    Extra blood flow during pregnancy makes the kidneys produce up 25% more urine, peak in urine production happens by 9 to 16 weeks of pregnancy. Also frequent urination can also be increased by pressure on the bladder from a growing uterus
  • Fatigue
    Being the most common symptom of pregnancy some women feeling exhausted throughout their pregnancy while other hardly feeling tired due to the body producing more blood to carry nutrients for a growing baby
  • Food Cravings
    Normally a particular type of food such as chocolate cake or apples, some urges are usual types of food that you normally don't eat food cravings is a real phenomenon that is still unknown to doctors
  • Heart Burn
    A growing uterus and elevated progesterone (Hormone that relaxes muscles in pregnancy) levels the stomach valve relaxes and becomes crowded forcing the acid into the esophagus
  • Constipation
    High progesterone levels take a toll on the digestive tract relaxing it making it harder for food to pass through the intestines moving slowly

All of these things are normal, if you have any concerns or questions we recommend seeing you doctor or healthcare professional.

Supplements For Pregnancy

While planning or pregnant it is a good idea to consider taking supplements to help your baby grow healthy and strong such as;

  • Vitamin A
    Show to help build the baby's immune system and is needed for healthy skin and eyes
  • Vitamin D
    Shown to help with the baby's bone growth and ossification
  • DHA
    Show to help the development of the baby's brain and eyes
  • Iron
    Shown to help your body make extra blood during your pregnancy (lack of iron can lead to tiredness)
  • Iodine
    Shown to be essential for the baby's development of the nervous system and the brain
  • Folic Acid
    Shown to help prevent neural tube defects (NTDs) and defects of the spinal cord
  • Calcium
    Shown to help promote your baby's grow a healthy heart, nerves and muscles

Consult with you doctor and find out which supplements you are lacking and then come see one of our friendly Pharmacists to recommend the right one for you.

Here For The Hard Times - Menopause

Yes, unfortunately it's time.

When a women reaches her 40's or 50's her ovaries begin stop producing hormones estrogen and progesterone known a process perimenopause (period of time before menopause) begins.

During perimenopause the ovaries two major hormones begin to decline causing symptoms commonly associated with menopause, hot flushes, night sweats and your menstrual cycle becoming irregular, but it won’t cease during this stage, perimenopause can last up to several years until menopause, the point where the ovaries stop making eggs.

After you have completely stopped having your menstrual cycle for 12 months, you have now entered menopause which marks the end of the reproductive years, just as the first period marks the beginning.

First signs of menopause

  • Missed Periods
    May start to get lighter, shorter or may clot heavily
  • Hot Flushes
    Overwhelming rush of heat that frequently starts at the forehead then proceeds to the toes
  • Weight Gain
    Due to the increase of hormones you may experience weight gain around your abdomen, hips and thighs
  • Sleep Deprivation
    Insomnia unfortunately happens when estrogen levels deplete and the brain excretes fight-or-flight response chemicals that keep you alert at night
  • Vaginal Dryness / Low Libido
    As the estrogen levels decease so does your body's natural lubrication and moisture in the skin, hair, and yes intimate areas coursing vaginal dryness, this can make sex abruptly painful and uncomfortable which can causes a low libido
  • Mood Swings
    Menopause much like PMS with the unbalance of hormones comes outburst of emotions, mood swings
  • Night Sweats
    Unfortunately addition to hot flushes you may find yourself waking with a racing heart, cold and clammy skin and a bed soaked in sweat
  • Frequent Urination
    Estrogen levels depleting weakens the bladder and the urethra reducing their ability to control urine, which can leave the urinary track prone to infection by bacteria
  • Chronic Headaches
    Migraines an often painful of symptom perimenopause and menopause, while the hormones fluctuate in the beginning stages the intensity of headaches and migraines can worsen, may also be more sensitive to excess coffee, noise and bright lights thought these stages

Managing Menopause

When you start to notices symptoms of menopause we highly recommend seeing your doctor or healthcare professional to help explain the new changes that will be happening to your body and talk through some treatments that can help with symptomatic relief, dietary and life style changes may need to change.

Eat Healthy

A healthy diet helps reduce your risk of heart disease and helps maintain a healthy weight

Exercise Regularly

Exercising helps slow down bone loss during menopause which lowers the chances of factors and osteoporosis

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Speak to your doctor today about the benefits of HRT and find out more.

Drink Plenty of Water

A lot of woman experience dryness during this time so it is recommend to drink plenty of water, water also helps with bloating during menopause

Natural Supplements

An easy healthy way to you reduce and mange the symptoms of menopause.

Think About Yourself

Most importantly THINK ABOUT YOU! this can be a very stressful and hard time so do not be afford to take some time out to think about yourself.

Yoga / Deep Breathing Exercises

Allowing you to relax and keep your mind claim during this time

Vaginal Lubricants

Vaginal dryness is a real thing due to the oestrogen lowering, a natural lubricant is commonly recommend


Can course premature aging, more fat less muscle and lower estrogen levels

Avoid Trigger Foods and Drinks

Foods and drinks that cause hot flushes such as spicy foods, surgery food, coffee and alcohol

Avoid Stressful Situations

Avoiding stress will help with your everyday life and while going though menopause it will help with a healthy mood

Reduce Alcohol Consumption

Can trigger night sweats and hot flushes (alcohol raises your internal body temperature)

Reduce Junk Food Intake

Fatty foods may course you to gain more weight during menopause and some fatty foods can trigger night sweats and hot flushes

Don't Give up on Sleep

Do not GIVE UP! While experiencing night sweats during the night and being unable to fall back to sleep it is important to keep trying, sleep help with your mood while allowing your body to rest for the day.

Remove Electronics From Your Bedroom

Reducing electronic stimulation around you when going to bed will make it easier for you to fall asleep

No Coffee

Caffeine can causes dehydration and increase night sweats and hot flushes

Natural Medicine/Supplements that Help

Natural Medicine is an old tradition that people have been practising for many years but often forgotten thankfully due to people now looking for an alternative to regular medication natural medicine steps in and has the answer with herbs and vitamins that have been tested to help you in the purest way possible.

Best way to start helping you manage the symptoms of menopause is to speak to your doctor or healthcare professional about what natural medicines would be suitable for the symptoms your experiencing. There's are a couple of supplements that have been proven to help relieve menopausal symptoms;

  • Vitamin A
    Shown to help maintain bone health after menopause
  • Vitamin B6
    Shown to help serotonin levels (Mood)
  • Vitamin E
    Shown to help reduce inflammation in the body during this time
  • Calcium
    Shown to help maintain bone heath
  • EPO - Evening primrose oil (gamma-linolenic acid (GLA)
    GLA is an essential fatty acid involved in the production of hormone-like substances called prostaglandins. The increasing production of prostaglandins has been known to help counter hormonal symptoms associated with menopause
  • Black Cohosh
    Shown to help with hot flushes and night sweats
  • Ginseng
    Shown to help you have a better guilty of life by reducing hot flushes and night sweats
  • Ashwaganda
    Shown to help promote a calm mind
  • Fenugreek
    Shown to help improve vaginal dryness, hot flushes, night sweats, anxiety, mood swings and insomnia
  • Soy
    Shown to help increase estrogen levels

However there are still risks involved with not properly managing your menopause that is why we still highly recommend that you speak to your doctor or heath care professional before taking any medication you have not taken before.

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