Everyone experiences a form pain at least once in their lives. Don't let it control you.

- 1 in 5 Australians live with chronic pain.
- 1 in 3 people living over the age of 65 live with chronic pain.

Pain is a very complicated reaction caused by the body signalling the brain that there is a problem in the body this happens when an interactions happen between sensory nerves, spinal cord and the brain, constant stimulation of these pathway can course amplification of long term pain.

Everyone experiences pain differently and can only be completely understood by the person experiencing the pain.


Types of Pain

Ranging between mild to severe, occasional, pulsating (throbbing) or constant and often described as an aching, burning or a sharp stabbing pain, the duration and severity of the pain can be depend on the injury or illness and can be easily categorised into one of two forms of pain, acute and chronic.

Acute Pain

Classified as a short term pain lasting up to 3 months, Acute pain is the sensation you feel instantly after an injury, it is the signal from your body that is has just under gone a physical trauma and depending on the severity of the injury will determine the level of pain.

Common Forms

  • Dental Pain
  • Period Pain (Menstrual Cramps)
  • Headaches
  • Strains and Sprains
  • Labor and Child Birth
  • Burns
  • Kidney Stones
  • Infections due to wounds
  • Bruises

Acute Pain is usually treatable - Speak to your healthcare professional or pharmacist for pain solutions today


  • Sharp Pain
  • Throbbing
  • Burning
  • Stabbing Pain
  • Tingling
  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle Spasms
  • Insomnia
  • Weight Loss

Although acute pain is short term we understand one day in pain can feel life a life time, speak to your local pharmacist today about pain options available.

Chronic Pain (Persistent)

Chronic pain is an ongoing pain that will usually last longer the 6 months continuing after the injury or illness that coursed it has healed, this happens when the pain signals remain active for months to years in the nervous system. Chronic pain may range from mild to severe requiring complex pain management solution and in most cases a health condition.

Common Forms

  • Osteoarthritis
    A type of arthritis that courses deterioration in the protective cartilage between the bones resulting in joint pain.
  • Fibromyalgia
    A neurological condition that courses pain and tenderness in parts of the body (trigger point).
  • Back Pain
    A pain that may stem from muscle strains, nerve compression and arthritis of the spine (Spinal stenosis).
  • Inflammatory Bowl Disease (Crohn's disease & Ulcerative Colitis)
    This condition causes chronic inflammation of the digestive courses intestinal pain and cramping.
  • Surgical Trauma
    Result of an operation not going to plan which may course more pain then initially.
  • Advanced Cancer
    Often due to changes to the nerves, this may happen when the cancer is pressing on the nerves or due to chemicals produced by the tumour and in some cases can also be coursed by cancer treatment.
  • Chronic Migraines
    A debilitating condition where patients that are diagnosed suffer from headaches for 15 days or more per months, with some lasting up to 8 days.
  • Nerve Pain
    Caused by damage or disease affecting the somatosensory nervous system often described as a shooting or burning pain.

Don't let Chronic pain control your life, speak to your pharmacist today about the pain management salutations available to you.


  • Joint Pain
  • Muscle Pain
  • Burning Pain
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of Libido
  • Loss of stamina and flexibility (from decreased activity)
  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Anxiety

Managing Pain

After getting your pain assessed the doctor will proscribe pain medication, psychotherapy and other pain treatments, this will allow you to start to get your life back.

At Clinicare compounding our highly trained pharmacist are available to help you on your journey to getting your life back, at both locations we offer these services to help;

Webster Packaging

Allows you to control your medication in a pre-packaged pack personalised to your medical needs.

Free Medschecks

An in pharmacy service where our friendly pharmacist will review your medication then will help teach you more about what medicines you are taking and help you with any problems you are may be experiencing.

Mobility Hire

Available to help you continue get around while injured with ease. Available are manual wheelchairs, crutches, bathroom support products, rollators and other supports.

Compounded Medication

Being a compounding pharmacy allows our highly trained staff to create specialised medication that may not be available or requires compounding.

Come in and speak to one of our friendly staff today and find out the best way we can help manage your pain.

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